SmartExtract API Examples
Data Extraction Example
import { SmartExtact } from '@clik-ai/smart-extract';
const smex = new SmartExtract({ baseUrl: appPath });
// Instead of assigning to a global variable you'll need to persist
// the extracted data in a DB
let extractedData = null;
// SmartExtract needs the input file to be encoded as a Data URL.
// You may have your users select a file in browser and encode it as a Data URL
// or you may get the file as Data URL from an API
// See:
async function sendExtractionRequest() {
const { fileDataUrl, fileName } = await getFileData();
file: fileDataUrl,
// Ready event handler
function onReady() {
console.log('SmEx is now ready to take extraction requests');
// Data event handler
function onData(event: CustomEvent) {
console.log('User pressed "Save" button in spreadsheet view');
console.log('Extracted Data: ', event.detail)
extractedData = event.detail;
// You may choose to end the session right after user saves data
// Or, you may choose to leave the session as is and end session
// on some other external event. This way your users may keep saving
// data while working with it.
// Cancel event handler
function onCancel() {
console.log('User pressed "Cancel" button in spreadsheet view');
// End session to clean up event listeners and remove iframe from DOM
// Add event handlers
smex.addEventListener('ready', onReady);
smex.addEventListener('data', onData);
smex.addEventListener('cancel', onCancel);
// Cleanup event handlers and end SmartExtract session
function endSession() {
smex.removeEventListener('ready', onReady);
smex.removeEventListener('data', onData);
smex.removeEventListener('cancel', onCancel);
// Get auth token and start SmartExtract session
getAuthToken().then((token) => {
// for multi-extraction
// multiple: true,
Edit Extracted Data Example
import { SmartExtact } from '@clik-ai/smart-extract';
const smex = new SmartExtract({ baseUrl: appPath });
// Instead of assigning to a global variable you'll need to update
// the extracted data in the DB
let updatedExtractedData = null;
// To edit previously extracted data again in SmartExtract spreadsheet view
// you need to pass on the same result object that was returned by the data
// extraction API
async function sendEditDataRequest() {
const previouslyExtractedData = await getPreviouslyExtractedData();
data: previouslyExtractedData
// Ready event handler
function onReady() {
console.log('SmEx is now ready to take edit data requests');
// Data event handler
function onData(event: CustomEvent) {
console.log('User pressed "Save" button in spreadsheet view');
console.log('Extracted Data: ', event.detail)
updatedExtractedData = event.detail;
// You may choose to end the session right after user saves data
// Or, you may choose to leave the session as is and end session
// on some other external event. This way your users may keep saving
// data while working with it.
// Cancel event handler
function onCancel() {
console.log('User pressed "Cancel" button in spreadsheet view');
// End session to clean up event listeners and remove iframe from DOM
// Add event handlers
smex.addEventListener('ready', onReady);
smex.addEventListener('data', onData);
smex.addEventListener('cancel', onCancel);
// Cleanup event handlers and end SmartExtract session
function endSession() {
smex.removeEventListener('ready', onReady);
smex.removeEventListener('data', onData);
smex.removeEventListener('cancel', onCancel);
// Get auth token and start SmartExtract session
getAuthToken().then((token) => {
Disable Retry Flow and Handle Error
SmartExtract by default triggers a retry flow in case data extraction for a document fails. In case user provided some meta information incorrectly, this gives them a chance to re-fill the form and try extraction again. However, if you want to handle error within client application you may disable the retry flow as:
file: fileDataUrl,
options: {
disableRetry: true,
When you set the disableRetry
flag as true SmartExtract will instead trigger an error
event to notify that data extraction has failed. You can add a listener for the error events as:
smex.addEventListener('error', function () {
console.error('SmartExtract failed to extract document data');
Styling and Customisations
SmartExtract provides various options so that you can style different elements on the SmartExtract component to match the look and feel of your application. Following are complete type definition for all the customisation options that you can provide:
// Options to be passed to the extractDocumentData API
export interface ExtractOptions {
// cutomisation options for extraction form
form?: FormConfig,
// cutomisation options for the spreadsheet view
spreadsheet?: SpreadsheetConfig,
// cutomisation options for the retry section
retrySection?: RetrySectionConfig,
// option to disable retry flow
disableRetry?: boolean,
// Options to configue a text element
export interface TextConfig {
// the text to display
text?: string,
// inline styles to apply to the text element
style?: CSS.Properties,
// Options to configue a button element
export interface ButtonConfig {
// label to display on the button
label?: string,
// inline style to apply to the button
style?: CSS.Properties,
// change default visibility of the button
visible?: boolean,
// Options to customise extraction form
export interface FormConfig {
// Title displayed above the form
title?: TextConfig,
// Configuration options for multi-extract form specific elements
multiExtract?: MultiExtractOptions,
// meta data field options
fields?: {
// Asset type field options
assetType?: AssetTypeFieldConfig,
// Document type field options
documentType?: DocumentTypeFieldConfig,
// Page range field options
pageRange?: PageRangeFieldConfig,
// Sheet name field options
sheetName?: SheetNameFieldConfig,
// OS period field options
osPeriod?: OSPeriodFieldConfig,
// Submit button options (always visible)
submit?: Omit<ButtonConfig, 'visible'>,
// Cancel button options
cancel?: ButtonConfig,
// Configuration options for multi-extract form specific elements
export interface MultiExtractOptions {
// options for various buttons
buttons?: {
// Add tagging button (always visible)
addTagging?: Omit<ButtonConfig, 'visible'>,
// Button to expand/collapse tagging options (always visible)
selectTagging?: Omit<ButtonConfig, 'visible'>,
// Button to delete a tagging (always visible, icon button)
deleteTagging?: Omit<ButtonConfig, 'visible' | 'label'> & DeleteTaggingExtraOptions
// Extra options for the delete tagging button
export interface DeleteTaggingExtraOptions {
// Tooltip displayed on the button
tooltip?: {
// Tooltip when the button is enabled
text?: string,
// Tooltip when the button is disabled i.e. if it's the only tagging
disabled?: string,
// Options for the confirm popup that shows
confirm?: {
// Title shown on the popup
title?: TextConfig,
// Message displayed on the popup
message?: TextConfig,
// Buttons on the popup
buttons?: {
// Confirm delete button (always visible)
ok?: Omit<ButtonConfig, 'visible'>,
// Cancel delete button (always visible)
cancel?: Omit<ButtonConfig, 'visible'>,
// Valid asset types
export type AssetType =
// Asset type field options
export interface AssetTypeFieldConfig {
// Field label
label?: string,
// Options to show in the dropdown
options?: { label: string, value: AssetType }[],
// Style options for the field elements
style?: {
// styles for the dropdown
select?: CSS.Properties,
// styles for dropdown options
option?: CSS.Properties,
// style for field label
label?: CSS.Properties,
// Valid document types
export type DocumentType =
// Document type field config
export interface DocumentTypeFieldConfig {
// Field label
label?: string,
// Options to show in the dropdown
options?: { label: string, value: DocumentType }[]
// Style options for the field elements
style?: {
// styles for the dropdown
select?: CSS.Properties,
// styles for dropdown options
option?: CSS.Properties,
// style for field label
label?: CSS.Properties,
// Page range field options
export interface PageRangeFieldConfig {
// Field label
label?: string,
// Styles for various field elements
style?: {
// style for field label
label?: CSS.Properties,
// styles for the start page input field
startInput?: CSS.Properties,
// styles for the end page input field
endInput?: CSS.Properties,
// styles for the clear field button
clearButton?: CSS.Properties,
// Sheet name selection field
export interface SheetNameFieldConfig {
// Field label
label?: string,
// Styles for various field elements
style?: {
// styles for the dropdown
select?: CSS.Properties,
// styles for dropdown options
option?: CSS.Properties,
// style for field label
label?: CSS.Properties,
// Operating statement period field
export interface OSPeriodFieldConfig {
// Field label
label?: string,
// Styles for various field elements
style?: {
// Style for start month picker
startInput?: CSS.Properties,
// Styles for end month picker
endInput?: CSS.Properties,
// Styles for field label
label?: CSS.Properties,
// Styles for the clear field button
clearButton?: CSS.Properties,
// Styles for the period dropdown
select?: CSS.Properties,
// Styles for the period dropdown options
option?: CSS.Properties,
// Options to configure the spreadsheet view
export interface SpreadsheetConfig {
// Options to configure the buttons on spreadsheet view
buttons?: {
// Save button options
save?: ButtonConfig,
// Cancel button options
cancel?: ButtonConfig,
// Download button options (hidden by default)
download?: ButtonConfig,
// Retry section options
export interface RetrySectionConfig {
// Error message displayed
message?: TextConfig,
// Button options
buttons?: {
// Retry button options
retry?: ButtonConfig,
// Cancel button options
cancel?: ButtonConfig,
// An options object conforming with the above mentioned
// specification can be passed to the sendExtractDocumentRequest
// API
const smartExtractConfigOptions: ExtractOptions = {...}
file: fileDataUrl,
options: smartExtractConfigOptions
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